TR5 FPGA development kit using the Altera Stratix V GX FPGA provides high-speed operation and transmission with large capacity up to 952K LE.
The board provides four FMC connectors and a 2x20 GPIO connector. It offers a total of more than 500 I/Os for users to expand the usage with the peripherals connected. There are built-inhigh-speed DDR3 memory and SSRAM to increase the bandwidth for accessing large amounts of data for high-speed computation. In addition, the board also has PCIe and SATA interfaces for high-speed data transmission.
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Four FMC connectors | 2x20 GPIO connector | DDR3 memory |
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The main applications of TR5 are ASIC prototyping validation and the establishment of prototype systems. The FMC connectors onboard are standard interfaces. Users can purchase or develop various FMC daughter cards to expand their system. For developers who need to use multiple FPGAs, they can leverage Terasic’s FMC or PCIe cable to establish an inter-stackable multi-boards communication system. Users can also purchase Terasic PCIe daughter card to communicate with host PC.
The TR5 development kit includes a variety of reference design examples for peripherals such as DDR3 SDRAM, SD card, USB-to-UART, SATA, PCIe, and an FMC connector. The kit is user friendly and enables users to quickly get started or verify the functions. The kit also provides a tool named "System Builder" software. It can automatically generate a complete Quartus project including pin assignment and clock configuration IP upon users' selections of peripherals, FMC daughter cards, and a designated clock frequency. It helps users avoid time-consuming and error-prone manual pin-assignment work.
Connect to the FMC daughter cards: XTS-FMC and HDMI-FMC
Connect to the D8M-FMC FMC daughter card
Connect to TI JESD board through Terasic JESD-FMC adapter card
Board to board connection through FMC cable
Connect to PC with PCIe Cabling and Terasic PCA adapter card
Board to board connection through PCIe Cable
Board to board connection through SATA cable
Connect to the D5M daughter card
Connect to the MTL2 daughter card
Connect to the LT24 daughter card
Size:160.8 x 188.5 mm
Title | Version | Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
TR5 User Manual | 1.0.7 | 9063 | 2020-04-20 | ![]() |
Title | Version | Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
TR5 OpenCL BSP for Windows | 1.1 | 2017-05-25 | ||
OpenCL User Manual | 1.1 | 2211 | 2017-04-18 | ![]() |
TR5 OpenCL BSP for Linux | 1.1 | 2017-04-18 |
Title | Version | Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
TR5 CD-ROM for A7 device | 1.2.3 | 2020-04-20 | ||
TR5 CD-ROM for AB device | 1.1.1 | 2017-12-05 |
TR5 System Builder – This is a powerful tool that comes with the TR5 board. This tool allows users to create a Quartus II project for their custom design on TR5 board. The top-level design file, pin assignments, and I/O standard settings for TR5 board can be generated automatically by the TR5 System Builder. Users can also select various daughter cards in conjunction with TR5 via FMC connectors using the TR5 System Builder.
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