TE0600-04-52I11-A 이미지 확대 보기
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  • TE0600-04-52I11-A
  • TE0600-04-52I11-A


GigaBee with AMD Spartan™ 6 LX45-2I, 2 x 128 MByte DDR3L, 4 x 5 cm
310,200 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Trenz Electronic
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


Product information "GigaBee with AMD Spartan™ 6 LX45-2I, 2 x 128 MByte DDR3L, 4 x 5 cm"

The predecessor of this article is TE0600-03-52I11-A. All changes are in the Product Change Notification (PCN).

The Trenz Electronic TE0600-04-52I11-A is an industrial FPGA micromodule integrating a AMD Spartan™ 6 LX45 FPGA, Gigabit Ethernet transceiver (physical layer), two independent banks of 16-bit-wide 128 MBytes DDR3 SDRAM (optional 2 x 512 MByte DDR3L SDRAM in 2 banks), 16 MBytes SPI Flash memory for configuration and operation, and powerful switch-mode power supplies for all on-board voltages. A large number of configurable I/Os is provided via robust board-to-board (B2B) connectors.

All this on a tiny footprint, smaller than a credit card, at the most competitive price. Modules in 4 x 5 cm form factor are fully mechanically and largely electrically compatible among each other.

All parts are at least industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C. The module operating temperature range depends on customer design and cooling solution. Please contact us for options.

Key Features

  • AMD Spartan™ 6 XC6SLX45-2FGG484I FPGA
  • 10/100/1000 tri-speed Gigabit Ethernet transceiver (PHY)
  • 2 x 1 Gbit (128 MByte) DDR3L SDRAM
  • 128 Mbit (16 MByte) serial Flash memory with dual/quad SPI-Interface (for configuration and operation), accessible through:
    • 1 kb protected 1-Wire EEPROM with SHA-1 Engine
  • JTAG port (SPI indirect)
  • FPGA configuration through:
    • B2B connector
    • JTAG port
    • SPI Flash memory
  • Plug-on module with 2 × 100-pin high-speed hermaphroditic strips
  • Up to 52 differential, up to 109 single-ended (+ 1 dual-purpose) FPGA I/O pins available on B2B strips
  • 6.0 A x 1.2 V power rail
  • 3.0 A x 1.5 V power rail
  • 2x 1A x 2.5V power rail
  • 125 MHz reference clock signal
  • Single-ended custom oscillator (option)
  • eFUSE bit-stream encryption (LX100 or larger)
  • 1 user LED
  • Evenly-spread supply pins for good signal integrity
  • Size: 4 x 5 cm

Other assembly options for cost or performance optimization plus high volume prices available on request.

Recommended Software

for Trenz Electronic modules with Spartan™ 3A, -3E and Spartan™ 6 LX45/LX75

ISE Design Suite: WebPACK Edition

ISE WebPACK delivers a complete, front-to-back design flow providing instant access to the ISE features and functionality at no cost.


Development Support

There is a base board available for this module.

Latest documentation, design support files and reference designs with source files are available for download free of charge.


  • Industrial networks
  • Vehicle networking and connectivity
  • High-resolution videos and graphics

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x TE0600-03-52I11-A Trenz Electronic GigaBee module with AMD/Xilinx Spartan™ 6 FPGA
  • 8 x screws
  • 4 x bolts

Additional Information

All modules produced by Trenz Electronic are developed and manufactured in Germany.

The online pictures of this product are not a legally binding offer, but are symbol pictures for illustration and presentation only.

Related links to "GigaBee with AMD Spartan™ 6 LX45-2I, 2 x 128 MByte DDR3L, 4 x 5 cm"


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 상품에 따라 환불이 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.


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이미지 확대보기TE0600-04-52I11-A

  • TE0600-04-52I11-A
  • TE0600-04-52I11-A
  • TE0600-04-52I11-A

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