TE0723-03-11C64-A 이미지 확대 보기
  • TE0723-03-11C64-A
  • TE0723-03-11C64-A
  • TE0723-03-11C64-A


"ArduZynq" Arduino compatible Module with AMD Z-7007S Single-Core 512MB DDR3L
203,500 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Trenz Electronic
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


Product information ""ArduZynq" Arduino compatible Module with AMD Z-7007S Single-Core 512MB DDR3L"

This product is not always in stock, but will be produced on customer order (on demand).
Please ask for any minimum quantities.


The predecessor of this article is TE0723-03-07S-1C. All changes are in the Product Change Notification (PCN).

The Trenz Electronic "ArduZynq" TE0723-03-11C64-A is an Arduino shield compatible SoC module integrating a AMD/Xilinx Zynq™ 7007S Single-Core, 512 MByte DDR3L, and 16 MByte SPI Flash Memory for configuration and operation. A microSD connector provides additional data storage.

This device contains a single-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor and represents the lowest cost entry point to the scalable Zynq™ 7000 platform. Use it as a FPGA development platform, or run Linux on the Cortex-A9 core.

All parts are at least commercial temperature range of 0°C to +70°C. The module operating temperature range depends on customer design and cooling solution. Please contact us for options.


Do not access the FT2232H EEPROM using FTDI programming tools, doing so will erase normally invisible user EEPROM content and invalidate stored AMD/Xilinx JTAG license. Without this license the on-board JTAG will not be accessible any more with any AMD/Xilinx tools. Software tools from FTDI website do not warn or ask for confirmation before erasing user EEPROM content.

Key Features

  • AMD/Xilinx Zynq™ 7000S XC7Z007S-1CLG225C
  • Form Factor: Arduino Shield
  • Single-Core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore up to 766MHz
  • 512 MByte DDR3L
  • 16 MByte SPI Flash memory
  • 12 MHz MEMS Oscillator low power consumption
  • Hi-Speed USB 2.0 ULPI Transceiver
  • 23 FPGA I/O's
  • MicroSD Card socket
  • Micro USB OTG
  • RGB LED (PL I/O connected)
  • "Done" LED (inverted polarity)
  • On-board USB JTAG and UART
  • Linux-ready solution
  • CERN Open Hardware Licence 1.2

Other assembly options for cost or performance optimization plus high volume prices available on request.

Recommended Software

Vivado ML Standard Edition (free version)

The Vivado ML Standard Edition is the FREE version of the Vivado design suite. Vivado ML Standard delivers instant access to some basic Vivado features and functionality at no cost.

Overview of all editions of Vivado ML

Development Support

Latest documentation, design support files and reference designs with source files are available for download free of charge.

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x TE0723-03-11C64-A "ArduZynq" module with single-core processor AMD/Xilinx Zynq™ XC7Z007S-1CLG225C

Additional Information

All modules produced by Trenz Electronic are developed and manufactured in Germany.

Related links to ""ArduZynq" Arduino compatible Module with AMD Z-7007S Single-Core 512MB DDR3L"


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 본 상품은 해외 재고 상품으로 기본적으로 환불 처리가 어렵습니다.

 상품에 따라 환불이 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.


 제조사별로 A/S정책이 상이하니 하단 고객센터로 문의 주시기 바랍니다. 

이미지 확대보기TE0723-03-11C64-A

  • TE0723-03-11C64-A
  • TE0723-03-11C64-A
  • TE0723-03-11C64-A

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