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  • DE10-Nano Academic

DE10-Nano Academic

DE10-Nano Development Kit for Academic User / P0496
380,600 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Terasic Technologies
DE10-Nano Academic
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


▶ Academic Product

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  • 제품 주문결제 후 아래와 같은 아카데믹 정보(영문)를 sales@inipro.net으로 보내주시기 바랍니다.
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    • 담당학생 학교계정의 이메일 : 

▶ Overview

The DE10-Nano Development Kit presents a robust hardware design platform built around the Intel System-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA, which combines the latest dual-core Cortex-A9 embedded cores with industry-leading programmable logic for ultimate design flexibility. Users can now leverage the power of tremendous re-configurability paired with a high-performance, low-power processor system. Altera’s SoC integrates an ARM-based hard processor system (HPS) consisting of processor, peripherals and memory interfaces tied seamlessly with the FPGA fabric using a high-bandwidth interconnect backbone. The DE10-Nano development board is equipped with high-speed DDR3 memory, analog to digital capabilities, Ethernet networking, and much more that promise many exciting applications.

The DE10-Nano Development Kit contains all the tools needed to use the board in conjunction with a computer that runs the Microsoft Windows XP or later.



Component Solution for Intel FPGAs

▲ Accelerometer Solution▲ SDRAM Memory Solution
▲ Clock Solution▲ Ethernet Solution

▶ Specifications 

The DE10-Nano board has many features that allow users to implement a wide range of designed circuits, from simple circuits to various multimedia projects.

The following hardware is provided on the board:

FPGA Device

  • Intel Cyclone® V SE 5CSEBA6U23I7NDK device (110K LEs)
  • Serial configuration device  – EPCS64 (revision B2 or later)
  • USB-Blaster II onboard for programming; JTAG Mode
  • HDMI TX, compatible with DVI 1.0 and HDCP v1.4
  • 2 push-buttons
  • 4 slide switches
  • 8 green user LEDs
  • Three 50MHz clock sources from the clock generator
  • Two 40-pin expansion headers
  • One Arduino expansion header (Uno R3 compatibility), can be connected with Arduino shields
  • One 10-pin Analog input expansion header (shared with Arduino Analog input)
  • A/D converter, 4-pin SPI interface with FPGA

* If the specification of memory device in Quick Start Guide and official website is discordant, refer to DE10-Nano website as the sole stardard.

HPS (Hard Processor System)

  • 800MHz Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor
  • 1GB DDR3 SDRAM (32-bit data bus)
  • 1 Gigabit Ethernet PHY with RJ45 connector
  • USB OTG Port, USB Micro-AB connector
  • Micro SD card socket
  • Accelerometer (I2C interface + interrupt)
  • UART to USB, USB Mini-B connector
  • Warm reset button and cold reset button
  • One user button and one user LED
  • LTC 2x7 expansion header

Block Diagram of the DE10-Nano Board



  • Connect Arduino



  • Connect LTC2607 (AD/DA Daugher Card)


▶ Layout





  • Size:68.6x107mm 

DE10-Nano Board Mechanical Layout


Board Featurex-axis (mm)y-axis (mm)
5V DC2.7953.47
USB Blaster II0.8318.86
2x20 GPIO20.0561.34
2x20 GPIO20.050.89
USB OTG101.9653.98
UART to USB99.4939.56
2x5 ADC Header95.011.14
Arduino* Header21.4555.25
Arduino* Header48.3755.25
Arduino* Header30.596.99
Arduino* Header53.456.99
Arduino* Header68.6934.93
















▶ Resouces



TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
How to distinguish the board revision and what's differents. (rev. A/B/B2/C Hardware)3152019-02-13
DE10-Nano User Manual (rev. B2/C Hardware)2.175352018-11-15
DE10-Nano User Manual (rev. A/B Hardware)1.889532018-02-01
Quick Start Guide(rev. A/B Hardware)107272017-11-02
Quick Start Guide(rev. B2/C Hardware)15742017-11-01
DE10-Nano Product Brief28512017-08-05
Getting Started Guide34172017-08-04
My First FPGA38122017-08-01
My First HPS12342017-07-31
DE10-Nano Control Panel183612017-07-30
DE10-Nano OpenCV22912017-07-29
Bluetooth SPP19482017-07-28
DE10-Nano Schematic14212017-07-27


TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
DE10-Nano CD-ROM (rev. C Hardware)1.3.4 2019-01-09
DE10-Nano CD-ROM (rev. A/B Hardware)1.2.4 2018-02-01
DE10-Nano CD-ROM (rev. B2 Hardware)1.2.5 2018-02-01
Network Socket Example Design1.0.0 2017-10-30
Quartus Download16.0 2016-12-22

Daughtger Card Demonstrations

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
D8M 2018-01-26
RFS1.0.0 2017-06-22
SMK 2017-02-24
Arduino Shield 2017-02-23
LT24 2017-02-23
MTL2 2017-02-23

Linux BSP (Board Support Package): MicroSD Card Image

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
Linux Console (kernel 4.5)1.3 2018-03-15
Linux Xfce Desktop (kernel 4.1.33-ltsi-altera)1.0 2017-04-11
Linux LXDE Desktop (kernel 4.5)1.1 2017-04-10

BSP(Board Support Package) for Intel FPGA SDK OpenCL 16.1

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
DE10-Nano OpenCL BSP (.zip)1.0  2017-05-05
DE10-Nano OpenCL BSP (.tar.gz)1.0  2017-05-05
DE10-Nano OpenCL User Manual1.021712017-05-04

BSP(Board Support Package) for Intel FPGA SDK OpenCL 18.1

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
DE10-Nano OpenCL User Manual2.024092019-01-03
DE10-Nano OpenCL BSP (.tar.gz)1.0  2019-01-02
DE10-Nano OpenCL BSP (.zip)1.0  2019-01-02


TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload


Please note that all the source codes are provided "as-is". For further support or modification, please contact Terasic Support and your request will be transferred to Terasic Design Service.

More resources about IP and Dev. Kit are available on Intel User Forums. 

▶ Kit contents

    1. DE10-Nano Board
    2. DE10-Nano Quick Start Guide
    3. Type A to Mini-B USB Cable x1
    4. Type A to Micro-B USB Cable x1
    5. Power DC Adapter (5V)
    6. microSD card (installed)
    7. Four Silicon Footstands

▶ Demo

DE10TM -Nano Kit: Traning Materials and Support Packages   


DE10-Nano Kit: Linux BSP Demo  

DE10TM -Nano Kit: Expansion Card  


DE10-Nano Kit: openCL  

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 제품은 박스 상단에 아이디 또는 성함 등을 표기한 후 쇼핑몰 하단의 주소 및 연락처로 택배 발송해 주시기 바랍니다.

 제품 및 제품포장 박스 등에 손상된 부분이 없는지 고객센터에서 확인한 후 환불수수료(5천원+판매가의1%)을 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불 처리해 드립니다.


 제품 보증 기간이 90일인 제품입니다.

 납품후 90일 이내에는 무상 AS, 90일 이후에는 유상 AS 처리됩니다.

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