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  • DE10-Standard


The DE10-Standard Development Kit / P0493
859,100 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Terasic Technologies
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


▶ 실습교재 (별도구매)

▶ Overview

The DE10-Standard Development Kit presents a robust hardware design platform built around the Intel System-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA, which combines the latest dual-core Cortex-A9 embedded cores with industry-leading programmable logic for ultimate design flexibility. Users can now leverage the power of tremendous re-configurability paired with a high-performance, low-power processor system. Altera’s SoC integrates an ARM-based hard processor system (HPS) consisting of processor, peripherals and memory interfaces tied seamlessly with the FPGA fabric using a high-bandwidth interconnect backbone. The DE10-Standard development board includes hardware such as high-speed DDR3 memory, video and audio capabilities, Ethernet networking, and much more.


DE10-Standard reviewed by 6 eminent scholars and experts!

    Stephen A. Edwards
    Associate Professor of
    Computer Science,
    Columbia University
    Peter Athanas
    Professor of ECE,
    Virginia Tech
    Bill Nace
    Associate Teaching
    Professor of ECE,
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Donald Bailey
    Professor of Imaging System,
    Massey University
    Chris Burton
    Co-Founder of
    F&C Technologies
    Anton Ruban
    Experienced YouTuber in
    FPGA Design

    Click on the headshots to read the reviews!

    Board Comparisons

    Component Solution for Intel FPGAs
    Accelerometer Solution
    SDRAM Memory Solution
    Clock Solution
    Ethernet Solution
    Inductive Component Solution
    Capacitive Component Solution


▶ Specifications

    The DE10-Standard board has many features that allow users to implement a wide range of designed circuits, from simple circuits to various multimedia projects.

    The following hardware is provided on the board:

    FPGA Device

  • Cyclone V SX SoC—5CSXFC6D6F31C6N
  • 110K LEs, 41509 ALMs
  • 5,761 Kbits embedded memory
  • 6 FPGA PLLs and 3 HPS PLLs
  • 2 Hard Memory Controllers

    ARM-Based Hard Processor System (HPS)

  • 925 MHz, Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore Processor
  • 512 KB of Shared L2 Cache
  • 64 KB of Scratch RAM
  • Multiport SDRAM Controller with Support for DDR2, DDR3, LPDDR1, and LPDDR2
  • 8-Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller

    Configuration and Debug

  • Serial Configuration Device – EPCS128 on FPGA
  • On-Board USB Blaster II (Normal Type B USB Connector)


  • Two USB 2.0 Host Ports (ULPI Interface with USB Type A Connector) on HPS
  • USB to UART (Micro USB Type B Connector) on HPS
  • 10/100/1000 Ethernet on HPS
  • PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard
  • IR Emitter/Receiver


  • One 40-pin Expansion Header (Voltage Levels: 3.3V)
  • One HSMC Connector(Configurable I/O Standards 1.5/1.8/2.5/3.3V)
  • One 10-Pin ADC Input Header
  • One LTC Connector (One Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Master ,One I2C and One GPIO Interface ) on HPS


  • 24-bit VGA DAC
  • 128x64 Dots LCD Module with Backlight on HPS


  • 24-bit CODEC, Line-in, Line-out, and Microphone-In Jacks

    Video Input

  • TV Decoder (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) and TV-In Connector


  • Sample Rate: 500 KSPS
  • Channel Number: 8
  • Resolution: 12 bits
  • Analog Input Range : 0 ~ 4.096 V

    Switches, Buttons and Indicators

  • 4 User Keys (FPGA x4)
  • Channel Number: 8
  • 10 User Switches (FPGA x10)
  • 2 HPS Reset Buttons (HPS_RST_n and HPS_WARM_RST_n)7-Segment Display x6


  • G-Sensor on HPS


  • 12V DC Input

    Block Diagram of the DE10-Standard Board


    • Connect LT24

    • Connect MTL2

    • Connect D8M

    • Connect D5M

    • Connect SMK

    • Connect RFS

    • Connect HTG

    • Connect ADA

    • Connect DCC

    • Connect LTC2607 (AD/DA Daugher Card)

▶ Layout


    • Size:166*130 mm

▶ Resouces


DE10-Standard User Manual1.0.67,713(KB)2018-03-21


DE10-Standard CD-ROM1.3.0 2019-04-11
DE10-Standard SystemBuilder1.0.1 2017-06-06
Quartus Download16.1 2017-01-26

Daughter Card Demonstrations

HDMI-TX 2018-12-21
HDMI-RX 2018-12-21
D8M 2018-01-26
ADA 2017-04-18
D5M 2017-04-18
DCC 2017-04-18
LT24 2017-04-18
MTL2 2017-04-18
RFS 2017-04-18
SMK 2017-04-18

Linux BSP (Board Support Package): MicroSD Card Image

Linux Console (Kernel 4.5)1.2 2018-03-15 
Linux LXDE Desktop (Kernel 4.5)1.2 2017-06-06 

BSP(Board Support Package) for Intel FPGA SDK OpenCL 16.1

DE10-Standard OpenCL User Manual2,149(KB)2017-08-01
DE10-Standard OpenCL BSP(.zip)1.0 2017-03-03 
DE10-Standard OpenCL BSP(.tar.gz)1.0 2017-03-03 

BSP(Board Support Package) for Intel FPGA SDK OpenCL 18.0

DE10-Standard OpenCL User Manual2.02,752(KB)2018-07-05
DE10-Standard OpenCL BSP(.zip)1.0 2018-07-05 
DE10-Standard OpenCL BSP(.tar.gz)1.0 2018-07-05 



  • FPGA
    • My First FPGA
    • Factory Default Code
    • ADC Reading
    • Audio Record and Play
    • DRAM_RTL_Test
    • DRAM_Nios_Test
    • Karaoke Machine
    • IR
    • PS2 Mouse
    • TV Box
    • VIP Based TV Box
  • SoC
    • My First HPS
    • GPIO Control
    • G-sensor
    • I2C Switch
    • LCD

SOC Advanced

  • Audio Player Based on ALSA
  • Bluetooth SPP
  • Internet Time Query
  • OpenCV
    • Rough Line
    • Camera In
    • Face Detection
  • SoC and FPGA
    • Control FPGA LED from HPS
    • Control Panel

Linux BSP

  • Console BSP
  • OpenCL BSP
  • LXDE Desktop BSP
    • Built-in QT and OpenCV Library
    • GNU Tool chain for ARM
    • Support USB Bluetooth, WiFi, and Camera Driver (See note below)
    • Support ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) Driver

When you are shopping for accessories for the DE10-Standard,
please be aware that not all USB dongles are compatible with this BSP.

Here are some compatible USB dongles that have been tested, by us, and proven to work. 
The following suggested Bluetooth & WiFi USB dongles can be purchased from the Terasic Website.


Control Panel

DE10-Standard Control Panel – allows users to access various components on the DE10-Standard platform from the LXDE Desktop BSP provided by Terasic. The relative project source codes are provided in the System CD for free.

System Builder

DE10-Standard System Builder – a powerful tool that comes with the DE10-Standard board. This tool allows users to create a Quartus project file on their custom design for the DE10-Standard board. The top-level design file, pin assignments, and I/O standard settings for the DE10-Standard board will be generated automatically from this tool. In addition, through the GPIO and HSMC connectors you can select various daughter cards in conjunction with the DE10-Standard using the DE10-Standard System Builder.

Other course resources you might interested:

School: Cornell University Senior Lecturer: Bruce Land
Course 1: - ECE5760 Advanced Microcontroller Design and system-on-chip [DE2]
Course 2: - ECE 5760 Simplified Floating Point for DSP [DE2] 

▶ Demo

    DE10-Standard Review

    DE10-Standard Video Review. Conducted by Toni T800 (Mr. Anton Ruban)

    Toni T800 (Mr. Ruban) has given Terasic the permission to publish his video review for DE10-Standard on Terasic's official youtube channel. )
    Reviewed by Mr. Anton Ruban, Experienced FPGA Developer and Youtuber

▶ Kit contents

    1. DE10-Standard Board
    2. DE10-Standard Quick Start Guide
    3. Type A to B USB Cable
    4. Type A to Mini-B USB Cable
    5. Power DC Adapter (12V)
    6. Four Silicon Footstands

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 제품 및 제품포장 박스 등에 손상된 부분이 없는지 고객센터에서 확인한 후 환불수수료(5천원+판매가의1%)을 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불 처리해 드립니다.


 제품 보증 기간이 90일인 제품입니다.

 납품후 90일 이내에는 무상 AS, 90일 이후에는 유상 AS 처리됩니다.

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  • DE10-Standard

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